The unfinished story Banner
The unfinished story Banner
The Unfinished Story is a course that inspires and challenges every believer to be actively involved in fulfilling God's plans for the world. It provides a fascinating overview of biblical, historical, strategic, and cultural aspects of God's action and our role in it.
We are in a special time when God is giving us incredible opportunities to fulfill His mission in this generation.
1,500,000,000 people are still waiting for the gospel. God has placed it in our hands to bring them the saving message. To accomplish this goal, we must work together as the worldwide body of Christ, each doing our part so that we do not miss this special opportunity! "The Unfinished Story" wants to help motivate many Christians to this worldwide cooperation.
What is the goal of the course?
"The Unfinished Story" is designed to train and mobilize individual Christians and local churches for contemporary evangelism and world mission in the 21st century.
It is an interactive course through which you will discover what God is doing in the world today to fulfill His global plan! It will change your view of the world and get you excited to get involved in God's purposes.
The course includes four lessons and offers insight into biblical foundations, the global expansion of Christianity, mission strategy and cultural challenges to current trends of the 21st century.
Discover the common thread that runs through from Genesis to Revelation.
Look at world history from God's perspective and get excited about the tremendous growth of Christians worldwide!
Explore what still needs to be done to fulfill the commission. Explore the final challenges and unfulfilled pages of the Great Commission.
Who should attend the course ?
The course is suitable for Christians of all ages who want to take God's mission seriously and are looking for practical ways to be actively involved in fulfilling God's plan. It is designed for training and mobilization and can be used in different contexts and groups.
God is looking for people who will let Him use them!